Power Gaming/FailRP/ForceRP
Powergaming refers to the use of game mechanics or exploits that go beyond the intended functions of GTA 5 and FiveM. It also includes blocking counterplay to gain an unfair advantage and failing to roleplay in a realistic and sensible manner.
Examples of powergaming include (but are not limited to):
Performing roleplay actions while simultaneously doing unrealistic activities (e.g., carrying someone while driving).
Using emotes or animations to disrupt or bypass active roleplay.
Speaking while in a dead state when it wouldn’t be realistic.
Exploiting GTA mechanics or scripts for personal gain (e.g., starting a robbery, leaving, and returning later to claim the reward).
Using the respawn function while others are still present in the scene.
Carrying or escorting someone excessively to prevent them from properly roleplaying.
Spam punching to break animations and gain an unfair advantage in combat.
Fail RP
When in the server, every action your character takes should be realistic and probable.
Spamming your microphone is considered FailRP and is against server rules.
You must not escort, cuff, or carry another player with little to no roleplay.
Carrying or escorting people while inside vehicles is not allowed—each player must be seated or in the trunk if applicable.
While downed in Stage 1 or Stage 2, you may speak depending on your injuries. If you have life-threatening injuries, you must roleplay them accordingly and use /me to inform EHS of relevant details.
Avoiding Roleplaying with EHS Staff and Not RPing your Injurys I.e Using Local Doctors rather than using EHS Staff when they are on duty!
Voice Identification
You must not identify a fully masked player solely by their voice. To properly identify them, you need at least two other distinguishing factors.
Examples of valid identifying factors (but not limited to):
Recognizable clothing
Vehicle type/model
License plate
If you are engaged in a casual, non-hostile conversation with no intent to negatively impact the player's RP experience, voice identification may be acceptable.
Last updated