Chain Robbing/Robberies

Chain Robbery is an act of robbing directly after another.

Small Heists (Shop Robbery, Vangelico)

- You must wait a total of 10 minutes before actively partaking in a small heist.

- You must not start a small heist within 30 minutes of each server restart.

Large Heists (Bank Trucks, Banks, Unions, Humane Labs)

- You must wait a total of 30 minutes before actively partaking in a large heist.

- You must not start a large heist within 1 hour of each server restart.

No more than 3 primary vehicles at any robbery or heist.

When robbing vangelicos, g4s trucks, banks and heists, you must be wearing a duffle bag.

When doing robbies, your initial escape vehicle cannot be a bike, helicopter or boat. This does not mean they can't be used further into the chase.

Please Note: House robberies are exempt from the chain robbery rule.

Last updated